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5701 Dunsmuir Ave.
Dunsmuir, CA, 96025


Dunsmuir Brewery Works is a micro brew pub offering a variety of hand crafted ales and fine food.


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Billy Manzik

Billy Manzik's journey began where the 'blues highway', Highway 61 ends - in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. The soundtrack for his childhood was provided by his guitar-slinging, country singing mother, and her love of all things sound. His 2007 debut recording, 'Billy Manzik', received extensive radio play across Canada and abroad, charting well on college radio, as well being featured on CBC Radio's "Key Of A". His performance at the 2008 Alberta Songwriter Sessions was recorded and broadcast nationally on CBC Radio. He and his band were invited to kick off the 2008 Juno Awards with a spirited performance at their awards reception. He has since released 2 more albums: 2009's 'AllTogetherNow' and 'Black/White', released in 2015.

Earlier Event: January 22
Allison and Victor
Later Event: January 30
Fernanda Froes