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5701 Dunsmuir Ave.
Dunsmuir, CA, 96025


Dunsmuir Brewery Works is a micro brew pub offering a variety of hand crafted ales and fine food.


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Soda Creek

Rock, blues, Americana, folk--these incredible musicians do it all!  Join us for a wonderful evening of amazing music!

Soda Creek, from Dunsmuir, CA, is currently playing around Northern California and coming to a venue near you. As a band that fits anywhere both in size and genre we provide a full sound ranging from soft acoustic music (great for dinner sets) to blues and good ol’ Rock and Roll. If room allows, we often bring a few other friends with us with instruments ranging from bass guitar to harmonica. Our equipment is the highest professional quality for excellent sound at any volume so patrons can enjoy their dinner, conversation, and music all at the same time. 

If you're looking for a great band with an extensive repertoire, look no further.  

We are available for clubs, private parties, and outdoor events.

Earlier Event: February 14
Rick Garrett
Later Event: February 20
Tom Scott and Leslie Tift