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5701 Dunsmuir Ave.
Dunsmuir, CA, 96025


Dunsmuir Brewery Works is a micro brew pub offering a variety of hand crafted ales and fine food.


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Jimmy Limo

Singer and guitarist Jimmy Limo is an incredibly versatile musician.  Enjoy rock, pop, blues, and country with us!

Jimmy Limo is a professional guitarist and vocalist whose music has been entertaining crowds since 1972. Born and raised in the outskirts of Los Angeles, he grew up listening to the musical legends of the ‘50’s and ‘60’s. His musical inspirations run from the blues of Albert King and Eric Clapton, to the jazz of George Benson and Miles Davis, to the classic rock of the Ventures, the Stones, Motown and Jimi Hendrix’s mellow ballads. His father Rudy still plays a mean blues and boogie-woogie piano. 

After attending the University of Southern California on a full scholarship, he left the smog and crowds of L.A. in 1972 for the musically inspirational beauty of the Hawaiian Islands. It was there that he developed his unique and melodic guitar style. For nearly twenty years he performed in luxury resorts, restaurants and nightclubs on virtually every island. Besides playing music full-time, he also owned and operated his own guitar shop, “Mauna Kea Music” and opened the popular and wildly successful restaurant/nightclub “the Redwater Cafe” on the Big Island of Hawaii. 

In 1990 he left the islands for the burgeoning blues scene in Portland, Oregon, where he played regularly until leaving for Las Vegas in 1999. In 11 years in the “City of Neon Dreams” he performed over 3,000 gigs. 

At the beginning of 2011, he packed up and moved to Weed, where his parents have lived since 1994. Mom’s health was getting shaky and he came up to help Dad and spend some “quality time” with “the folks”. 

“When I lived in Hawaii and Oregon, I always lived waaaay out in the country, in small towns. Las Vegas is a frantic and plastic city, and is ranked one of the worst places to live in America. Now I’m living in one of the most beautiful places in America..... I’M HOME !!! Hallelujah !”

Earlier Event: April 1
Open Mike Night!!!
Later Event: April 9
Fernanda Froes