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5701 Dunsmuir Ave.
Dunsmuir, CA, 96025


Dunsmuir Brewery Works is a micro brew pub offering a variety of hand crafted ales and fine food.


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Eric Christensen Band

At the deepest part of each human soul is a longing for beauty. Not just to see it or feel it, but to become intimately united to that which is truly beautiful. We see glimpses of this beauty in creation, in other people, as well as in art and music. Ultimately this longing is a desire for the God who created beauty and is himself beauty. 

Through his honest and transparent song writing Erik Christensen invites the audience into that secret place of longing and brokenness that reaches out for the beauty of God only ever grasping it enough to leave us desiring him more and more.

Earlier Event: July 2
Chuck Epperson
Later Event: July 9
Matt Jolliff