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5701 Dunsmuir Ave.
Dunsmuir, CA, 96025


Dunsmuir Brewery Works is a micro brew pub offering a variety of hand crafted ales and fine food.


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Sundown Poachers

Based in the mountains of Siskiyou County, California, the Sundown Poachers, are lead by front men Johnny Callahan (guitar, bass, lead vocals) and Tristan Behm (guitar, bass, lead vocals), with Kyle Uwekoolani on lead guitar, and John Bowman on drums. They formed in early 2008 and began to shape a sound that fans have best described as “Folka-Tripda-Chronic.”


It’s northern California, folk-rock, blues-groove grown from the fertile soil of the last hundred years of American music. These guys can take you from front porch pickin’ to back porch trippin’ in the space of one song, spinning stories of life in the hills and on the road. Their songs are original and real, created together from their broad mix of experiences, and influenced by musical outlaws from today and all of our yesterdays.

Earlier Event: March 24
Allison and Victor!
Later Event: April 7