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5701 Dunsmuir Ave.
Dunsmuir, CA, 96025


Dunsmuir Brewery Works is a micro brew pub offering a variety of hand crafted ales and fine food.

Summit for Someone Fundraiser


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Summit for Someone Fundraiser

Join us for the fundraiser event at the Dunsmuir Brewery and help support youth wilderness mentoring!

Summit for Someone is an adventure fundraising program that supports youth wilderness mentoring programs through Big City Mountaineers.  Big City Mountaineers is a non-profit committed to giving under-resourced youth transformational outdoor experiences that help to instill critical life skills. The money I raise in order to do this climb will fund programs for youth, ages 8-18, to participate in experiences ranging from one night under the stars to one-week expeditions in Yosemite National Park, the Boundary Waters, and many other awesome locations. Watch a super great video overview of the program  here

Earlier Event: May 25
Rick Garrett
Later Event: June 7
Allison & Victor